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The 16 Steps To LOTR LCG Addiction

by on August 8, 2013

Let’s face it, many of us are hopelessly addicted to this game. To celebrate this happy obsession, I’ve decided to publish this little piece in hopes that it brings a few smiles. Here are the 16 steps to LOTR LCG addiction!

First, you accept that a solo LCG is your only chance of getting regular gaming in.

gollum friends

So you buy a copy of the Core Set and open it for the first time…



…and promptly get smashed by the same quest 10 times in a row.

merry pippin gif

Finally, though, you get your first victory.


Even better, after endless solo games, you finally convince someone to play with you…


…but then they decide to blow 6 resources on Brok Ironfist.


All is forgiven when you bond over 49 threat and two Hill Trolls.


So you buy a few AP’s and build some decks from scratch. Along the way, you have to convince your friend to drop Keen-Eyed Took.


He eventually ditches you for Netrunner…


It’s OK though, because one day you hear about OCTGN.


Your addiction growing stronger every day, you invest in the Gen Con scenarios. The Battle of Lake-town provides some nasty surprises.


After designing your own custom storage solution from scratch, a friend makes an offhand comment about your obsession.


And every time a new AP is released, you’re just a bit anxious to get it in your hands.


It’s only a matter of time before you’ve developed an unhealthy attachment to Dwarves.


So you’ve come a long way and fought many an epic battle.


But after all these games of LOTR LCG, you still get just as excited when Gandalf shows up. 

excited frodo

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  1. Casey permalink

    That was perfect! I was smiling and laughing all the way through. This captures many of the emotions and thoughts I’ve had for the past few weeks of being a new player to this addicting game. I’ve only managed to play with my friend a couple times; so sadly, yes… the reoccurring solo gaming has been mostly what I’ve done – but I don’t mind in the slightest. I just hope nobody sees or hears me talking to myself, my heroes, and the nasty enemies.

    Your blog is the best resource out there for this game! And, I must admit, I might just be on the level of transfixed-Bilbo waiting for “Assault on Osgiliath” to arrive.

    • Youdge permalink

      Well, I was wondering why there was no card review for the Assault on Osgiliath…
      It seems that this time, the German traduction is out (since Monday) before the original language…

      I do not remember all the cards (I do not have them with me all the time ;0p), but Outland and Ranger fans will be happy:
      – Leadership event allowing getting X Outland cards from discard pile for X resources
      – Leadership sword giving Outland trait to a gondor ally for 1 resource
      – Lore ranger Hero getting +1 attack per enemy in the staging area
      – lore event dealing 3 damages to a trapped enemy

      I do not remember the rest…


    • TalesfromtheCards permalink

      Thanks for the kind words, Casey!

      Hi Youdge, yes, some of us in the States are still waiting for our copies of Assault on Osgiliath. I suppose it’s only fair, since other countries often have to wait a bit for the packs. I should be getting my copy either today or tomorrow and then the player card review should be out shortly after that. I’m looking forward to experimenting with the new ranger stuff!

  2. 🙂 That is all. Just smiles.

  3. Awesome!

  4. ahahahhahaa! 🙂

  5. mariella permalink

    My gosh is this on target. I’ve been staring at my box for a month careful to pick it up, because last time I went two months every night and weekend non stop.

  6. OnkelZorni permalink

    Had the feeling you’re writing bout me. This article is great and fun, thanks! 😀

  7. gobliin permalink

    Great work. I love the article.

  8. I can safely say you’ve won the internet.

  9. mel permalink

    Hahaha too funny! Laughed the whole time, esp when friend ditches you for net runner and you are re-banished to a life of playing solo!

  10. Drew permalink

    Perfect, my face hurts from grinning the entire way through. ^_^

  11. hilariouslijah permalink

    Yes, absolutely perfect for what it was intended to be! Very well done!

  12. Jim Beszhak permalink

    I look at your sight every day, even though I RSS, but I had not seen this before. It’s hysterical. You are one talented man. Thanx for the this.

    On a different subject. Would you consider providing instructions on how to play solo two-player on OCTGN. I’ve looked all over for good directions, but you are the most articulate blogger I’ve ever come across.

    Thanx so much.

    • TalesfromtheCards permalink

      Thank you for the kind words! It’s always encouraging. I will definitely see about putting up a quick guide to solo two-handed on OCTGN, likely sometime next week.

  13. Mike permalink

    A lot of this is starting to sound familiar. Though from my personal experience, there should be a step that involves telling yourself you’re only going to buy Saga Expansions, purchasing them all, and then realizing an AP with some dwarf cards would be helpful, and immediately switch to needing to buy everything. Not that this happened to me…

  14. Wow this hiots so close to home. great post! Do you have an article on that custom storage solution?

  15. Tophern permalink

    Wow you guys only got smashed 10 times by the same quest??? I must need help… Or more cards.

    Love this post!

  16. sweetnesswhachacha permalink

    That gave me a smile!

    Brok Ironfist…haha

    And of course I wonder if Gandalf will ever get old…

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