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There and Back Again

by on October 2, 2020

Today marks the release of the final Adventure Pack for LotR LCG, and I’d be remiss in not acknowledging and commemorating this moment. It would be hard for me to overstate the importance of this game to me. So many of the friends I’ve made, the projects I’ve undertaken, the roads I’ve walked over the past 8 years or so have been as a result of this humble little card game. It is not an exaggeration to say that it fundamentally changed my life, and all for the better.

It’s been no secret that for the past couple of years, I’ve had to put the blog on an effective hiatus as I work on other projects and pursuits, but it’s always close to my heart. Tales from the Cards is really what launched me as a content producer and designer, and I’ve greatly appreciated everyone’s readership and positive words about the blog over the years.

I’ll wrap up by saying that while the final cycle may be coming to a close, the story is not over. There’s a special scenario pack arriving soon, which looks amazing, and most importantly, I know the players for this game are so passionate that the community isn’t going to disappear anytime soon.

Thanks all, and special thanks to all those who have made this game what it is, from the designers to the artists to the countless other people behind the scenes who made the magic happen.

There are still many roads to walk. I’ll see you on the next adventure!


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  1. So good to hear from the true hero himself, I waited a long time for this day 💪🏼 Looking forward to new items and adventures from your hand.

  2. Eric Lebigot permalink

    Thank you for all you have done for the community so far: every time someone mentions Hall of Beorn as a site to know, I make sure that Tales from the Cards is also mentioned. I do appreciate the thoughtfulness of the contents. I’m only hoping that the site will not disappear, as it is an invaluable resource.

  3. Of the many things for which I am grateful, I have this game to thank for introducing me to you and the other members of The Grey Company, and the community are large. Seeing your blog all those years ago was what inspired me to become a content creator. I am so pleased that we could share the road at many important junctures of our adventures. Thank you, Ian!

  4. dzany permalink

    Thanks for all the amazing job! Sad that you won’t be finishing the Saga Campaign Mode. I was very much enjoying your progress through the campaign with the amazing storytelling. It also helped me a lot with my campaign progess too.

  5. Patrik permalink

    Thank you very much for the amazing content you have created. I have only discovered the LOTR LCG last year, and your site has helped me tremendously to get into it and explore it. Tales from the Cards was – and is! – always the first resource I check thanks to its wealth of information. Namárië, and all the best for your adventures to come!

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